John 3:16 – For here is the way God loved the world — HE GAVE His only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life.
GIVING is what we do because GIVING IS WHO HE IS!
Giving Beginnings: At the very beginning, GOD GAVE. He GAVE breath to beasts, sun to plants, plants to the land, stars to the sky, man to woman, and woman to man. Though we sinned and selfishly overindulged in His Creation, HE GAVE again. HE GAVE us a way back to HIM, through sacrifice. But that wasn’t enough for our GIVING GOD. He then GAVE up perfect relationship with His perfect Son, so He could GIVE us life forever with Him. When Jesus came, He GAVE His words, His wisdom, His ways, and then His life. When He left, He promised another gift, the Holy Spirit. Today, the Holy Spirit GIVES His gifts generously to all believers.
Giving is what God does because Giving is who GOD IS!
This entire way of life, this following Jesus, It’s for GIVING and by GIVING. Our Faith is in a God who GIVES up His rights for our rights, who GIVES UP His way of life to make a way for our lives. Our only rational response is to GIVE our lives, our time, our resources, our service, our affections, our attention back to Him.